I just started a new job that requires me to know about investments, finance and stocks. I am having issues with understanding some of the stuff and it really gets my boss super frustrated. I bought the knowledge candle because finance, and stocks are all new to me my boss is teaching me and I really need to learn from him because he is a Millionaire and I want to teach my sons. I am learning as I go, but I need to know what candle should I burn to get my boss to like me and understand that I am still learning and to keep me on the job so he won’t fire me and also be generous to me like very giving to me (like extra money to take care of myself, besides from my pay 🤑. @Ife- Grow, Learn, Evolve any suggestion?
@Lala Inuti Ahari @theconjurehoodoo
By the way I got this job by lightimy crossroad, good fortune candle.
If you don't have the sweeting candle already then you could do a sugar jar to get things moving in that direction while you wait for your candle to arrive. I've used it many times throughout the years successful with my bosses.
3rd Pent of Venus
3rd Pent of the Sun
I would say sweetening for sure. Ahari to try to get what you want. But mainly you need that Knowledge candle to work for you. People who understand numbers often don't understand those who don't understand numbers and they get frustrated quickly.
I would say sweetening maybe Halo or some Peace Eriss