Currently working on it. I would like to answer as many questions whenever it comes to the process in my booklet. I've already started but I want your respectful input. I don't want to forget anything. 🙏🏽 Not to say it isn't already perfect ➰😝 But how can make it better?
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Does anyone know where we can get the booklet with instructions for all products??
Hi I lost the booklet for Crown of Success bundle, can someone please send it? @The Conjure Hoodoo Lala
Hi everyone,
I received my Ahari,good fortune and crossroads 3X candle today. I read the instructions and lit my candle. I was only able to burn it for about an hour and half.The flames were very intense to the point that the top of the tin can is burned. I know I can re lite it. Is this normal?
alot ov us Dnt reply anymore due to The same questions being asked and the impatience is UNREAL Yawl curious wit question TYPE IN THE SEARCH FORUM alot ov ppl dnt follow posts or get notifications because Its now being filled wit unreal questions already here and Order questions READ THE BOOK SEARCH POSTS N FORUM RESPECT LALA SAYIN DNT ASK ABOUT ORDERS ON THIS SITE AT ALL Y IS NOONE FOLLOWIN DIRECTIONS..U WONDERING Y THINGS R NOT ALIGNING PROPERLY FIX THAT ENERGY YAWL GOT this is gettin UNREAL
@SMS That INFO is from EVERY1 who has lit candles NOONE judges here thats the purpose ov the forum and if u follow LALA on anything and not jus buy her candles Ull b fully aware that she has MADE statements and all about WIX APP LALA is a busy woman she dnt got time 2 sit on WIX and fiddle thats y she got conjure Academy if u dnt want opinions or advice from others u can gladly buy the conjure bundle for ur DIRECT CONTACT to LALA the purpose for this app is to give ur experiences and thoughts etc not 2 JUDGE or take instructions as not valid bcuz LALA isnt personally replying
Well, not everyone is a you tube leaner and I never got a booklet , I guess she was out and I am about 2k in.Maybe it will come with my next shipments. I am a person who learns best from holding a book not scrolling through a PDF file. I know she is trying to do the best that she can but she asked about what to ad for a booklet which does need more info and more clear instructions and you mentioned a you tube video which could help for new candles but I would like to the booklet which you may have noticed she charges for 7.00. I am guessing they are out of stock. And I have bought two of her modules. I would be willing to help her compose something because it is currently geared toward those who know what they are doing and if you don't know it can backfire. Some of yall have flames going high enough to burn down the whole neighborhood.
How to use the Ruin candle... if you want ruin and/or revenge. I only see comments in the forum about separation.
What is considered as “movement “... Do you have to wait for movement to light a spelled candle after you’ve done halo or unhex? ( the whole 3 days?)
It’s pinned in the forum the one that is titled “tell your story”. The url is there as well as the code.
I think making a section about each candle and the directions on how to use them and directions on about pouring the DA candle wax on us and how long and how much should we put on ourselves
Hi everyone please can someone please tell me how to use the crown of success and tranquillity bundle? i know I'm meant to use mars on Sunday but I don't know how to go about frankincense and good fortune oil as my order didn't come with booklet.
what is the correct way to chant while burning the Un-Hex again so that it will not remove any of the current work/magic that you have already done on yourself or others with either spelled or conjure candles.
(I've seen this mentioned before) If you are afraid of just not comfortable using a conjured candle what spelled candles can you use to serve your needs or request?
The day of the week with each candle.
Clarification on Halo and Unhex. Do you have to burn Halo and/or Unhex every time before you burn another candle? Can Halo and/or Unhex be burned once every 2 or 3 months and you can burn all the candles you need in between.
Specifics on target photos! I’ve read a few posts on here saying the target should not be wearing a hat, glasses etc. I had no idea and used some with a hat for my first few candles 😩
Chant for court candle
How to dismiss spirit(s) properly. Is it alright for your significant other to be around while your candles are burning?
•Instructions for Unhex for some reason we’re super unclear to me. •What to do when the candle just goes out before it’s finished. •how to use certain candles with children in the home •which candles are ok to light with your child in the room. Or if they can be in the home or not at the time of lighting and during the duration of the candle being lit •how long a candle can stay in the home once it’s finished. Or if It needs to be disposed of ASAP. •do candles need to be sages prior to using •what to do to prepare the room/altar for your candles to be lit. These are just some at the top of my head. I know i had ALL of these questions in the beginning and it would have been helpful to not have to try to get answers. Although i love the current booklet as well. Very helpful regardless 🥰
A section to help pronounce the Angels names!