If anyone knows my Backstory knows that Papa Legba is very dear to me and he actually sought me out and when I start working with him immediate changes starting to happen things that I needed to be applied were applied!! Well my daughter has been on her journey and we have now graduated her to conjure and she invoked Papa Legba last night 🥰😭 he gave immediate presence when his music was playing something just took over her she was just dancing and she didn’t even realize it the flame was dancing and clapping she got bubbles and she even dreamed of him! I was with her every step of the way since I already work with him and I just asked him to keep his hand and protect my baby and he did just that he’s doing just that. I had her let the candle burn for just over six hours and she sent me this message last night well this morning. I am not only proud of her but I am just honored with him and so thankful and so grateful. A little background my daughter had been having issues dreaming of some thing trying to hold her back and also moments of sleep paralysis so to know that she got this message was amazing

Awesome what music did you all play?
This is what she sent me