As you all know I am an adherent to Haitian Vodou. I have an Erzulie Dantor, Ogou Feray and Erzulie Freda altars; these are the Lwa who walk with me and are my teachers.
I finally received the Papa Legba candle. I placed a shelf by the door and envisioned his altar being exacrlt as you see below. I have his vévé placed onto the mirror as a decal I bought on Etsy. The same seller engraves vévés onto candles so I have a white candle with his vévé on it. I may eventually burn it and later use it as a taper or votive candle holder.
I gave him coffee this morning but then spoke to him again and gave him dark rum. I bought an awesome decorative key with His vévé on it on Amazon.
I already got a confirmation, which I will keep to myself, that he is present here. Trust me, from all the Lwa, Legba is the most understanding and laid back. He will never judge you, will accept an offering big or small and will remove any obstacle in your way.

OMG lovely I just love Papa Legba, beautiful altar
@Kebreania Thomas You’re gonna need it
@Dominik lets say I don’t have rum (right now) but I have everything else. Do you think he’ll be upset?
No other candle has worked for me as quick as this one.
Love it
Truly PRICELESS! Great job its lovely!
Do you have any tips for a Erzulie Freda alter as well?
BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Love it a lot!
Wow that flame is beautiful
That’s so beautiful
I love that key I'm looking to get Papa one of those as well