Disclaimer ~ I will ask questions for clarification or to get a better understanding, not to be bullied, demeaned, or minimized...Please, only those who can answer, chime in and help me on this one because I am still learning and mastering my gifts...PERIOD!
I participated in the 1/25 Papa Legba Rite...And for me, I like to be reassured I am moving timely and appropriately. And yes, while I have seen some subtle signs, I think I have worked myself for the "Big Bang" in looking for confirmation that Papa has heard and accepted my requests. I am unsure about a few things. I read and researched so much that I may be on information overload. Was I supposed to 1.) Once the ritual was complete that day, thank Papa for coming and ask him to close the gate on his way out
2.) Set an altar for him on his day and wait until I see signs of his acceptance and thank Papa for coming and ask him to close the gate on his way out.
3.) was I suppose to on the next day, leave 3 pennies at a crossroads to thank Papa.
If I'm honest, I just keep replaying the ritual and I'm in awe with everything I have seen so far.. so I think I star struck....lol, but seriously I planned to set up Papa's altar on his rightful day on this Saturday because I have a strong presence around me, in my home, and even when I'm working, like a wooing from the spirit which keeps telling me "Saturday."
For my seasoned conjurers, I would truly appreciate your guidance...yes, I the process, but in my flesh, I'm just not sure what to do next and do not want to piss Papa off by second guessing and not to act. Feel me?
Many thanks for considering my request to understand fully.
We Taurus folks are very zealous about anything that interests us. There is never a dumb question. God, made us that way.
Hey, Taurus Sister. When your candle has completed the burn, go to a cross roads( 4 way), and leave three pennies in the center. It is a thank you to Papa Legba for answering your petition. Also, leave the candle in an area near cross roads, and dont look back. 😇😇😇😇
I fasted for 2days , day before and day of for papa legba. And been seeing 333s like crazy
Yea I’m so confused but interested should I do something for them I thought I was seeing stuff but now I feel like maybe I was just looking
Good point, following post. I haven't had any type of signs nor with the candles either
Also I logged on n fb and this is what I seen in the spiritual group I’m in so he’s definitely present and I don’t think there’s anything we need to do if Lala performed this ritual for you
I believe Lala stated once she invokes him on our behalf their is nothing we need to do except notice the signs so far my experience has been I’ve seen 3 pennies on my desk I never notice them before yesterday I was teaching my daughter how to drive a penny fell on my seat out of nowhere I hear a little rambling at my desk I feel it’s him because he’s a trickter I don’t get scared he is very humble I just look at my desk and say thank you papa