Auntie LaLa, can we please get for the Holidays: INT-Halo/Healing/Crossroads INT-DA/Sweetening/Ahari We already got our INT-GF/Power/Crossroads, and I’m trying to see something for the new year! 🤩🤩🤩 😂😂😂 Pretty pleeease! 🙏🙏😁 @The Conjure (Lala) @Lala Inuti Ahari 💖
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Yasssss Queen!! 👍👍😁
In my shopping cart now. Speaking it into existence. #WorkURMagick🕯️
Im here for both
I love it!!! I’m with you @StellaLuna
Damn, I like both of these!!!
OMG!!!! She liked it!!!!! 👀👀👀🥳🥳🥳
I hope LaLa would consider those candles!!!!
Thats a good one!!!!
Lmaoooooooooooooo!! Girl, shhhhhh!! 🤫🤫👀🤣🤣🤣🤣
So you want to get pregnant?