I would pay more. Lots of million dollar businesses have arrangements where you can select next day air. Next Day Air may turn out to be 3 days IRL depending on location.
I pretty much always choose next day.
It's not because I'm impatient.
Stuff like Blood Health is up there with 911. You don't always know when you're gonna need it until the moment you need it.
I tried to plan ahead. My USPS is a piece of work.
Shipping is fast, it is the fulfillment that takes long…
It's funny you wrote that. I have a whole bunch of items sitting in my cart right now and I'm like dang I'm paying $16 for 2 day shipping but it takes weeks and I need these products like yesterday. And I was like lala need to have express shipping/next day etc. That definitely should be an option
I was thinking about this the other day. But I think most people would choose the next day option .Sometimes it seems like candle ship in days (although this has never happened for me) and sometimes it is months.