Hi everyone so I have ordered unhex,halo and good fortune but Idk if it has been shipped yet,anyways I have read somewhere that they can start working before coming to you or before lightning them,so I am not sure .anyways yesterday I got so sick Idk what happened ended up in a&e,usually I suffer from panic attacks and thyroid issues,so my bp went very high and fast heartbeat and I could feel blood taste in my mouth,when I went to hospital they told me your tests are fine,and appart from that I have been having like a bad luck in general,can this be a reaction bcs of the candles like purging or idk you name it?or someone maybe put a spell
on me or something bcs I don’t know anymore now.Any thoughts would be highly appreciated thanks
Everything else would be YouTube testimonials and testimonials from members in the forum. Let the spell do its thing, and you just work on your self-care. If you have any Eriss, I'd go with Aura, Peace and/Or Healing at this time.