I did the unhex/halo/healing intense candle. I know it’s supposed to release you of the things that no longer serve your higher good. I was hoping it would help my boyfriend and I heal but he has pulled away even more. I understand this might be for my better good but I’m devastated. I’ve been crying for days. Is that a side effect? The purging I guess. I don’t know when it gets better.
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Omg I haven’t received the candles yet but since I ordered them I am having bad luck,my husband had to leave bcs of some personal problems not forever though just for a while,my health got worse,and I am freaking out idk what’s going on
It may only be temporary, trust the process. He may not know what it is that happening to him as well and thinking maybe pulling away to get his self and emotions together. Either way everything will workout the way it's supposed to stay the course and allow thing to take place.