Does God and Conjuring/Hoodoo/Voodoo mix?ive always has strong Christian roots but now I feel like I’m being lead to something bigger and a bigger power for me but I don’t want to just Abingdon God after all he’s done for me while still wanting to take control of my own situation.
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@Jennifer Gariepy this actually really helped because I’m actually descended from the Jewish tribe of Solomon so I can also ask my parents more about it, thanks!
Voodoo is a religion. Hoodoo is practice that Voodoo embraces. The Conjure candles are a Solomonic practice from King Solomon in the Hebrew bible. The names used in the seals are biblically used names. The Psalms are the ones found in the King James bible used in Catholic churches. King Solomon had multiple (tons) of wives. Notably was the Queen of Ethiopia. This could explain why such traditions were passed along. If you are interested in the Conjure candles they follow old traditions and the same God, Father, Lord, El. Hope this helps
FYI, El shaddai Is God Almighty the Abrahamic God and used in Lala’s conjured candies and in Hoodoo that is the God of Christianity as it is an Abrahamic religion. I think getting involved this presents an opportunity to learn more about spirituality beyond what church as an institution teaches.
My PERSONAL philosophy is this. GOD made ALL things. And some of what he has created are people who have gifts to help us, some in the physical and some in the spiritual realm. I don’t knock what anyone else does but PERSONALLY for ME, I use spirituality, honoring the ancestors and a little Magick to help, heal and fix not to control, manipulate others to have no free will or to harm others. Not to mention anything that is good can be used for evil...even and especially the holy bible and I say this as a Christian.