We were told by a few mediums that, My husband was cursed/hexed a few years ago. I have been lighting candles on and off for a bit now, which has helped a little bit. When I was pregnant w/our son someone sent a curse my way but it didn’t affect me, it affected my son. He was born with Epilepsy and a learning disability. Now that you have the back story, my questions are:
Can I light the Intense Unhex/ Halo/ Healing one for my son (11 year old) & myself? Is it safe for me to do on his behalf since he’s young?
Can my husband light the Supreme Unhex candle at the same time as I light the Intense?
I‘d like to give a spiritual Unhexing for us all at the same time. I have Halo and Mars to follow and separate Healing one also.
Thank you!!!
if i’m to be honest if you have a family pic of the 3 of y’all it would probably be easier to just use one candle for your household. i would also prolly do the Supreme 4 unhex/defense since that is a new custom made system i think it would be the strongest to cover the 3 of you. I would consider making a jar with protection herbs ( you can search forum for lala’s fiery wall & add that or use whatever protection herbs you have in your cabinet. adding y’all picture inside it & a protection petition. I would then burn the Supreme 4/ Defense on top of the jar & make a chant to remove & disarm all negativity, hexes & curses sent to you & your family & to protect & shield y’all from anyone sending negativity & harm etc. i say the jar so that you can layer it for y’all as needed. however if can’t do jar then a pic with y’all & the supreme 4/ defense on top & just use the same chant.