Maybe thats why people who do drugs see spirits? (The kinds with vinegar). Wouldnt do it...🤔Would buy lalas the truth candle...and she has a reveal the truth conjure. Truth spelled isnt out yet.
You know what, I didn’t even think of it that way. I do hear about people on drugs “running from demons” but never thought about it in the literal sense.
Drugs are a gateway because your open and vulnerable.
Oh its def literal. If u ever have seen someone high you can see them possessed.
Maybe thats why people who do drugs see spirits? (The kinds with vinegar). Wouldnt do it...🤔 Would buy lalas the truth candle...and she has a reveal the truth conjure. Truth spelled isnt out yet.
I know the water under your bed is good but not that brow spirit energy. The warning is there so I would not do it 🙃
Never heard of it