Is the Deliverance spelled candle still available? I can't find it. If not, which candle can be used to remove baneful magic, evil sorcery, and curses?
Unhex, Omni spirit, halo. You can run any of these a few times and work protection. Deliverance is a beast and I use it often. I haven't found anything that helps with alien/dimensional beings interference yet. That's a whole other conversation.
Yes and Lala's Ether oils work wonders too. If you have any. A black candle for protection or white candles for any purpose if that's all you have. It's your intent that works your magick🕯
Unhex, Omni spirit, halo. You can run any of these a few times and work protection. Deliverance is a beast and I use it often. I haven't found anything that helps with alien/dimensional beings interference yet. That's a whole other conversation.
Okay. Thank you. Thank you.
Supreme 4 is also good for removing evil
The candle isn’t on there right now but the deliverance altar is
U can use 5th of mars or onmi spirit or unhex
I don't see the candle but you can get the Altar and use your own candle on top. The Altar is available.