I had several readings and was told there is an evil spirit that embedded itself into my husband. He may have picked it up when he was young and running in the streets.
When I sage him, it helps, but it doesn’t last. When I give him blueberries to eat for protection, it helps, but it doesn’t last. I also have done uncrossing work, used the “unhex” candle, and gave him baths using exorcism herbs, and I get the same results.
I was told I have to do this with his permission and participation which he gave me today.
I am going to consult with my ancestors and have the “bloodline” candle shipping to me now, but I was wondering, is there a candle, or perhaps a few, that will remove an evil spirit once and for all?
Thank you in advance for your help.
3rd pentacle of Saturn
Try the halo water along with everything else that people are recommending
Basically what everyone else has said, on top of that:
Have him chant WITH YOU. He needs to show this attachment/evil spirit that he isn't scared of it and wants it out. He needs to participate in his healing.
Chaela's ceremonies will definitely help and count as layering. I would continue layering with 3rd of Saturn and 4th of Moon - those are to protect from curses and evil spirits/plots.
Chaela's intense would be good but if you decide with unhex make sure to do protection immediately after. I would on a monthly keep doing cleansing and protection for a while.
Hello, I believe that in a similar post Ms Lala suggested getting the Unhex candle and chanting her banishing chant over it (which is on her YouTube)
Maybe try chaela intense 3 day rite it’s unhex,soul purge, and protection I find that when I layer my work candles and rites I get better results and sometimes it takes multiple cleanses but now that you have his permission it should definitely work and it may be more than one evil spirit just my opinion hope this helps and sending love,light,and peace