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I lost my notes for this candle, can someone help me out please! Xx
Brilliant, thank you for clarifying! Also would you happen to know which seal it is? Xx
The seal of Gods is El Shaddai
You’re welcome love
This was from my post yesterday asking about the same subject.
I saw Ife a little while back say something about psalm 103?
@Zie You don’t have to read Psalms 103 sis.
There’s no verse to activate the seal. Instead of using a verse call on Boel. Say “I ask that the spirit of Boel join me now as I have your seal before me. (This is step 2 of the incantation in the booklet).
Brilliant, thank you for clarifying! Also would you happen to know which seal it is? Xx
This was from my post yesterday asking about the same subject.
I saw Ife a little while back say something about psalm 103?
There’s no verse to activate the seal. Instead of using a verse call on Boel. Say “I ask that the spirit of Boel join me now as I have your seal before me. (This is step 2 of the incantation in the booklet).