Before y’all go in on me, yes, I’ve read hundreds of reviews about when people saw movement. I layered the candles starting with unhex,halo, sweetening and deadly attraction 2-3 weeks ago and I’ve heard nothing from my target/ husband. We’ve only been in separation for 2 months so it’s not like I’m doing work on a dead situation. I’ve manifested things on my own before so it’s not like I doubt that magic works. However, most of the reviews on here said they saw movement immediately. Some even saw movement before even lighting the candle. I do spiritual baths and cleanses regularly and i lit the candles in order and followed directions. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks
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.. and the bad part is because am still on full SM block, I used free annoying non-user friendly lurk sites to check and am starting to get tired or checking too because I do not want him to feel the energy. Sometimes the staying busy to manifest and forgetting about the majick we did or got done via candles/rituals is tied directly to not checking up on or reacting to 3D or even 5D. The booklet even says to forget about what we do after we are done with any candle..
we want full manifestation in positive, not just signs or movement.
do NOT light a candle while feeling bleh. get your head and heart straight enough to be focused and channel energy properly for any candle although depending on intensity of thought or feelings it may mean only light something while feeling crappy if it is unhex or a healing. do NOT start any workings while purging or when extra mentally or physically exhausted.
Sometimes results are fast and sometimes slow. Patience is the key
So true. I definitely am going to relax more and let Spirit work and stop worrying
I have very little movement so far for my own situation and I hear what you are saying but if your target is feeling stubborn or upset about something, it can take longer.
For some reason I manifest faster for others with my mind and words, and for my own situation negative has happened faster historically so I am working on being more mindful of my thoughts and feelings to avoid getting in my own way..
the other thing I can tell you as an guilty of it too at times is.. really avoid checking or looking or waiting for movement. I know this does not come naturally but best way is to stay busy doing you..
literally yesterday and today I felt spirit was telling me, girl stop hovering over his SM to check.
I’ve seen people on here get results the next day, I’ve seen other get results in 3 months. I know when we’re working towards something 2-3 weeks feels like a long time, but sometimes things just need a little more time. Once you’ve done Healing & Crossroads I would even suggest doing another layer of Sweetening, then Rekindle. You can layer with Tina’s rituals as well. Please try not be discouraged. 💜
Have you had a reading? That might help determine necessary next steps. 🖤🖤
No 3rd party. I was thinking healing was needed. Thanks
If theres a 3rd party that may be causing the blockage so I would suggest 4 Pentacle of Saturn to remove any one he may be attracted/talking to. I would also suggest Healing. As well as rekindle. If that doesn’t work then it may not be supported and spirit has something better for you.