When the natives first stepped foot on this land, they were known as a threat. Not just by their looks but how they spoke and how much power they had. When blacks first stepped foot they were known as niggers because of our skin color and how much power we had and still do. I’m so grateful for my ancestors and my Blackfoot tribe. I was taught that never lay hands on evil because your ancestors will be summoned to rise from their graves and haunt them and their generation. I remember one day I was walking in the back of my grandpas backyard and I started to smell something weird it was a sulfur smell I looked to him and he told me that theres a burial ground for natives near the trees he told me to never disturb them and always pay respects the only way they will come back is if you call out to them for help and they shall kill off evil and that’s what my ancestors are doing 🙏🏾🙌🏾
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I have reached that part in my life where I wanna call on my Ancestors, how do I do that? How do I connect with them? Or what advice or suggestions you have?
Amen.....same here! My Munsee Lenape family says the same.
Beautiful....now what candle were we talking about again?