I promise you I won't hold you long!!! I was served papers to attend court 1/22 for a credit balance/debt. Before court I rubbed SIMI on my hands and at 1st I was talking to Simi about the other party not showing up so it would be dismissed..Then I said something along the lines of "do it your way" (very respectful convo)
It was virtual so I log on and everybody showed up, they said they would send me the paperwork with the details/payment arrangements.
Yal I got an order of dismissal TODAY!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure I didn't have to help but I purchased a string of elephant charms to make a bracelet to show gratitude. Then last night I noticed that I still had the papers that I was served, so I folded the paper away from me as if I was saying goodbye to the debt!
Auntiiiiie, I know your grandmother is dear to your heart, but we are family now!!!! 😆 🖤💛🖤 Thank you for sharing her with us!!! Especially me! @lala