Yall Friday the 14th I saw the usps lady with two big boxes and I started jumping up and down because I knew it was my halo water and SIMI stones! Well yall let me tell you I immediately opened her up, told her what I wanted and put it to my forehead! Lala baby the energy I felt, the visions I got and her presence was just radiating! The oil and candle are good but this right here I have never felt before! I felt her with me during my spiritual Tripp with her and throughout the day. Auntie you continue to amaze me with not only your products but SIMI! Im on such high frequency of gratitude to you and her for coming into my life! Ase!

Beautiful! Did she guide you on how to access what you wanted? I love the oil because I can just spray and go. Her candle has an altar. I can’t wait to receive the two that I ordered.