Hi all,
I ordered Simi stone, haven't received yet, but I want to be prepared. I'm in a living situation where my alters and witchcraft HAVE to stay in my room. No exceptions. I'm sure you can guess the reasons. I'm working on manifesting to get out of here eventually but you know some things take time. As we know, alters shouldn't be in the bedroom, I was fortunate enough to be working with Bast and she has given me permission to have it in here through dreams and many other signs. She's very kind, understanding and dear to my heart.
Moving on to my point, Simi needs her own alter or space to honor her and thank her. But all I have is my bedroom. I don't want to insult Simi with my space. I had 2 ideas but wanted to get some opinions on it.
1st idea, I have a shelf i could clear in my closet which is separated from me by a curtain (don't ask lol) I could make the shelf for her.
The other idea is maybe getting a box or small baby cabinet that acts as an alter space. I could open it when working with her and close it when I need privacy and don't want her to be subjected to my ..antics. lol
Anyway, Let me know if you think these ideas will work or if you have better ideas. Thank you.
I feel you. I would love to move into a bigger home with more bedrooms too. Unfortunately right now, all I have is my bedroom to do candle work as well. I have been trying to manifest more wealth to be able to purchase a bigger newer home. 🙏🏽💵💵💵💵💵✨️