So, it seems as if a lot of us, if not most of us, have something in common and that's what brought us to Lala. We all got that miserable ass bitch who put spells on our men to take them from us. Well, my story is similar but it started before me and my fiance even got together.
My fiance used to be married before he met me. They had 3 kids and then the "bitch" came in the picture. I'm not even sure how they met but she was married too with 2 kids when they met. They messed around for years before it came to light. The bitch even called his wife and pretended to be a friend and said that he was messing with his coworker. When things came out in the open he was confused, I guess. This bitch even chased him and his wife down the street with a van, they were barefoot. He snatched a necklace off the bitch's neck and she called the cops and he stayed the weekend in jail for assault. When he had court that Monday, the bitch was there and he left with her.
He tells his wife that he's leaving and he and the bitch get a house together. They both divorce their spouses and live miserably ever after, lol. The bitch then persuades his kids to come live with them. One night the wife calls to speak to her sons and the bitch says, "tell her not to call my house." And he actually told her what the bitch said ๐. Him and the bitch have a son together a few years later and she starts back hanging in the streets. He apparently caught her cheating bc he flipped her out the bed while she was sleeping and told her she had to move out. She was so sorry, that he kept ALL 5 boys by himself.
Fast forward, he moves and she follows him but they live separately. Not sure what their status was but they never got back together after that. Once she was homeless and he let her stay with him a their little boy for a few months and they slept in separate rooms. She found out he was dating the neighbor and the bitch went and told her that he was her man. He put her out again. Him and I eventually meet and move in together and then I found out I was pregnant. It was about 5 months after I move in and pregnant , I meet her. She never came around before, not even to see her son. All of a sudden she wants to be in her son's life. To tell you how she was before I came in, she went to his job arguing about seeing their son and he SPAT ON HER!!! That's how much he hated her, their son can't even stand her and be talking to her reckless.
The day I gave birth our baby, things changed. The first few hours after I gave birth, he's talking about how she was when she gave birth, the fuck?! He would always tell me how he could not stand her but when she would come around he would act weird. He would call her name is his sleep and STAYED calling me her name!!! I had to snap a couple of times and threaten to leave to get him to act right. Fast forward again, I find Lala and the forum was created. I read some of your stories and they sounded eerily familiar. It dawned on me, this bitch put a spell on him!! I got a reading done on myself and him and then him and her. AND WHEN I TELL YOU THE DOOR WAS KICKED DOWN!!!
The reader told me that the bitch put a love and domination spell on him YEARS AGO. That's why he left his ex-wife. The love spell wore off but the other spell was constant. She would remain in control of him. Example: She never did shit for their son but always wanted his dad to go half on shoes and shit. He never even put her on child support. The bitch would do shit like always bring her family over to our house so they could meet me, who does that??? Another reader told me the same thing but told me that she had started back doing spells on him and even me. Her spells had me where I had constant thoughts and even made plans to leave him. I always felt sluggish and had a headache. My dreams were always of me being in public and fighting random people. It was crazy. I had some work done to break the spell and I've had great results.
Anyway, she's been remarried for some years now but her and her husband recently moved 15 minutes from us, yeah..I know ๐. Her husband is under control too, you can tell. But when her husband sees me, that nigga mouth drops every time ๐. I'm not the best looking thing, but I'm 20 years younger than them and my ass is still sitting high ๐คฃ
Our relationship has been great though. We barely argue and we're always hugging and kissing, no DA needed. I use the Lust and DA oil for sex though, after 3 kids and our jobs, we be tired!!! But to those who are using the Ruin candle to get your man back, I definitely understand. To those who using it to just ruin a relationship bc you're selfish, I hope the other woman don't find out because if she's a bitch like me, she coming for yo ass and I mean heavy!!! For those of you are doing anything to get a man back, I HIGHLY suggest you do UnHex on yourself because that man may have put a spell on you for you to be crazy about him. His spell may be the reason your ass is out here spending money to keep him. I promise you this: AIN'T NO MAN OR BITCH WORTH MY TIME, MONEY, SANITY, PEACE OR MY KID'S STABILITY to be out her buying candles to make him want me. Nah, if you wanna go, you can go, I got money to get!!! ๐๐๐
100 across the board. Ain't worth ypur peace of mind. Lol! Chile, that's why I am single, and almost 40. However, for my sista's that choose a different route, I only want good vibes for ya'll. Be careful with these spells, and make sure that you are ready for what is to come. I've been there, and regretted my decision with the Narcissist. It's real!
See he wasn't even thankful let alone respectful...yes Queen stay providing for you and your children. Lifestyle relationship living lesson learned is truly PRICELESS...ASHE' Queen Sis-Star! @Hameko
But thanks for sharing this because I know of some women that's crazy behind men and takes care of them it's like they are under a spell. I constantly layer my protection. I even utilize protection from primordial deities and other left hand path sources like Lucifer, The Bothemet etc... And the results have been beyond great!
I'm just seeing this ๐คฆโโ๏ธ.
Thank you for sharing your story Sis. I was just thinking of doing unhex when I feel itโs the right time for me and him. Youโre right, who knows if the ex wife mightโve put something on him since sheโs spiritual too. I feel bad for the kids bcoz all of them have trauma from the divorce and was left at a young age by their mother.
Lord that last part! ๐๐พ๐๐พ๐๐พ cant lose sanity money or peace for a man! Yes!
Whooo Chy that was truly PRICELESS! A man? NOPE not spending all this money on candles for a dude its Alll about me. Been learned them lifestyle living lessons...have a lil fun and get gone. PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING is what I cherish. I aint trying to be the target
@Kee @PinkPanther Here yโall go. Took me a while to type it all out ๐ฉ