Im considering ordering the peace and guardian souffle. Would anyone recommend using on a child. My youngest is two and he is having a hard time adjusting to daycare. Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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I use a combination of guardian, peace, and aura on all 3 of my children daily and my youngest can be an absolute terrorist. When I started this I noticed I got way less phone calls about his behavior on the days he wore it verses the days he didn’t so now no one ever leaves home with out it. In fact when I became consistent I actually started getting calls about how well behaved he was being. They all 3 chant with me as I put it on them and take pride in it and they never let me forget to put it on them. I keep those 3 on constant order to keep stock.
All, except Lust soufflé, can be used on children.
If you know for certain he is NOT allergic to the ingredients in the product, the Shea butter and the coconut oils etc. then go for it... Carefully tho., apply a small amount to one area and observe that area daily for 2-3 day. It is very fragrant so he doesn’t need much. A dab will do