Hi Beauties! What order should we do the conjures? Should we do the soul purge first, then Tina’s rituals, then follow up with Lala’s candles for layering? If so, what about Tina’s Blockbuster?? Would love feedback!! @Lala Inuti Ahari
The first thing that you need to start with is cleansing. It does depend of your circumstances. I personally started off with unhex with Soul Purge which was great. I burned Halo, Healing and then did Soul tie which was amazing. I didn't do cross roads and I think that was part of my problem. Things didn't manifest the way that I would have liked and the way that I know that they can.
Tina suggest soul purge before her rituals. She says it on her live all of the time.
You can do Unhex, Halo, Healing, Crossroads, and Mars candles first.... or you can do Unhex, Soul Purge, Healing, on the Soul Purge Page.... and mix it with Tina’s rituals. You have to figure out what you are trying to accomplish and act accordingly. 😀
The first thing that you need to start with is cleansing. It does depend of your circumstances. I personally started off with unhex with Soul Purge which was great. I burned Halo, Healing and then did Soul tie which was amazing. I didn't do cross roads and I think that was part of my problem. Things didn't manifest the way that I would have liked and the way that I know that they can.
Tina suggest soul purge before her rituals. She says it on her live all of the time.
Chaela is the bomb.
You can do Unhex, Halo, Healing, Crossroads, and Mars candles first.... or you can do Unhex, Soul Purge, Healing, on the Soul Purge Page.... and mix it with Tina’s rituals. You have to figure out what you are trying to accomplish and act accordingly. 😀