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When you are conjuring, when exactly do you dismiss the spirit?
Thank you 🙏🏽
Read pages 17-20. https://9925f9cd-c6a6-4ec8-b865-701c098834c8.usrfiles.com/ugd/9925f9_f6ebf19bd7304fbd8425ba8d295acd11.pdf The answer to your question is on page 20 step 11.
Ok so I don’t need to wait until the entire candle burns out?
Hey fam after you have complete your desire, petition and after speaking your request, then you thank the Spirit and dismiss them
Thank you 🙏🏽
Read pages 17-20. https://9925f9cd-c6a6-4ec8-b865-701c098834c8.usrfiles.com/ugd/9925f9_f6ebf19bd7304fbd8425ba8d295acd11.pdf The answer to your question is on page 20 step 11.
Ok so I don’t need to wait until the entire candle burns out?
Hey fam after you have complete your desire, petition and after speaking your request, then you thank the Spirit and dismiss them