These are my stones I have been collecting for past 10 years. I forgot what some of them are for. Wanna make sure I’m carrying right ones for right thing😟😟
1st row 4 stone maybe Canelian, 2nd row 2nd stone looks like blue lace agate, 3rd row 5th stone almost looks like Unikite but not sure, 3rd row last stone if that's all black check tourmaline or onyx, 3rd row 4th stone is that black as well? Shiny?
I see roses quarts, heated amethyst, orange could be a carnelian crystal, or calcite, quartz, lace agate, aventurine maybe some jade, tigers eye, amethyst, bloodstone..a crystal book could help as well 🙌🏽
1st row 4 stone maybe Canelian, 2nd row 2nd stone looks like blue lace agate, 3rd row 5th stone almost looks like Unikite but not sure, 3rd row last stone if that's all black check tourmaline or onyx, 3rd row 4th stone is that black as well? Shiny?
The ones circled I can’t remember but trying to find chart app or book to help. Thanks
I see Rose Quartz, Selenite, Blue lace agate ? , Malachite, Tigers Eye, Green Aventrine, Citrine, Calcite, Shungite?, Onyx or Tourmaline?
I see roses quarts, heated amethyst, orange could be a carnelian crystal, or calcite, quartz, lace agate, aventurine maybe some jade, tigers eye, amethyst, bloodstone..a crystal book could help as well 🙌🏽
You can download crystal light. It's an app that will tell you about each crystal.
Buy a crystal bible or crystal chart
I see 2 rose quartz, a citrine, 2 clear quartz, a selenite stick