Okay so I’ve been becoming more spiritual over the past year. Trying to figure out my natural abilities etc. The other day as I was walking into the bathroom from then kitchen when I saw a white/gray smoke figure standing outside of my bedroom. Now I wear glasses and didn’t have them on...but ik what I saw lol. Which leads me to the question..if you see spirits but don’t necessarily talk to them, do you have to light Legba before the use of a conjure candle or any candle for that matter?
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Legba is necessary before working with Lwas as he is the gatekeeper but not an absolute necessity before spelled or conjure candles. If you wish to develop relationships with your ancestors or the spirits that guide you then lighting him would be beneficial he also acts as a road opener similar to 5th Pentacle of Mercury so you might find burning either one or both beneficial to open roads, remove obstacles, and to create opportunities. I personally have found burning Papa Legba and/or 5th POM beneficial for clearing the way for other spelled candles to work for me more effectively but you may not need to. I said all that to really say it can only help if you choose to.