So I decided to make a sweetening jar and I placed rekindle on top it's been months since I've seen bubbles in my cup (I know water is optional when it comes to spelled candles) and today I got a ton.. Have a really good feeling about this..
I read on a forum that you should work your jar for three months, has anyone else done this and if you've ever made one what are way you have dispossessed of it. ❤️❤️
can you do a sweetening jar for your target while you’re already lighting a candle for yourself (bella esteem) and what do you mean work on it everyday ? do you mean change what’s inside everyday or light a candle on top? Thank you 💕 @MsChello MsChello
How do you dispose of it?
Thank you, so I'll do it every day this week then I'll get on a schedule.. Thankfully I asked bc I was originally planning once a week
Typically jars last year
I think when you first do a jar of any kind it should be worked every day for the first week to get the energy going, then you can work it every other day like MWF or TTS. Also, my opinion again I think a honey jar can be kept for a long time, you can recharge it with fresh herbs but dont just work it for like a couple months and forget about it. Keep the energy flowing because honey moves slower.