@The Conjure (Lala) I love you your work!!! I get a notification that my delivery was going to be returned because of incomplete address. I stopped what I was doing and ran to to the post office. I was standing in line thinking spirits I know you sent me down here to get Mrs.LALA candles. I know she has a blessing for me. I get to the desk gave the lady my info and she walks to the back. A few min later she comes out with this box. I JUMP UP AND DOWN..YELLING MY CANDLES!!!!!! Race home open my package and Lala throws in Aura Souffle for me... I love you... 😊😊😊😊😊
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Yes I did but I also go straight through the website instead of the App so the full address come through
Did you fix you address for future purchases! And that’s so awesome they had your box !
Hi my boo's
I know they thought you was crazy LMBO