Ordered a new tv.... opened it and it was shattered. Went out looking for another one and tried 6 different places til I finally found one that was 75 inches🙄 got it home, set it up... it fell off the stand and shattered. What’s happening?! Is this just UnHex doing its thing? Halo and healing have been done and hopefully I’ll get their assistance soon. 😭
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4th pentacle of the moon to protect from curses. 3rd pentacle of Saturn to protect from plots, evil entities etc.
Get yourself a Mars candle too.
Those before me always told me that when things like mirrors and glassware break it’s a sign that bad luck or harm that was intended for me has been stopped in it’s track. Damaged, broken and defeated whenever the object breaks. I hope this makes you feel better ☺️
HV u had looked I to soul purge ??? U definitely in need of some type of cleansing love .... U definitely HV entities surrounding u in some forum ..
I'm sorry that keeps happening. I would take that as signs. Out of the 6 places you went did you keep your eyes out for something interesting? Was there anything out of place?
Did you get a warranty on it?