Hello fellow conjure family. I made a mistake and bought the wrong Candle and I know that LaLa doesnt take exchanges or refund. So something in me is saying to give this away to someone who really needs it right now. It is my fault for not reading correctly what I was buying. So I would like to give this candle to someone who needs it or wants it. I just received it a few days ago. I was trying to decide what to do. I dont want to just let it sit here and I dont want to burn it as though ita a regular candle. LALA put so much into making these candles, so I would like to let someone else have it. Please message me If you would like it to have it. All you would have to pay is shipping. I'll send it in the same box it was sent to me in. I have not removed anything. It's still sitting in the peanuts she puts in all her boxes. Lala if your reading this, I sent you an email asking permission, but I know your a busy lady, so I know it takes time to get to emails. So I hope this is ok. Please message if your interested. Thank you!
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I could use the candle. I’ll happily pay the shipping.
@The Conjure