I use these affirmations daily after showering. It has empowered my Self-esteem and self worth beyond words!! In the name of the Father, I Am a beautiful, Powerful Goddess. I Am that, I Am. I Am attractive, I Am desired by all who encounter me. I Am loved and lovable. I Am that, I Am. I Am strong, confidence, victorious and Successful in everything I set out to accomplish. I Am a magnet for successful and I Am undeniable I Am that I Am!!! You are welcome!!! Write this on your mirror and say it daily as you use your Eriss!!! 😉

This is a great chant 4 the new esteem candle.
YOURE STUNNING 🤩 & Thank you for this I will use it from now on 🤩😩🙌🏽🥰
I’m gonna photoshop my head on here and post on my vision board. 🧐
Thanks @Audra Dukes 🥰💖💖
I am that! I am!! 😁👌
Beautiful! Omg I think we’re sisters separated at birth 😅
Beautiful goddess! Thank you, I will use the affirmations
Beautiful queen ❤️
With looks like that you don't need afirmations 😜🤟
I love it, thanks for sharing♥️
Yes I'm feeling this frfr
Thank you beautiful!!!
Sis you are gorgeous 😍😍
Yes sis! That Goddess glow
Beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️