I am preparing to cleanse and charge my crystals and bracelets under the full moon. Lighting my 1st pentacle of Saturn candle at 12am. Writing my petition and cleaning! What are you doing this for this first full moon of 2020? Be confident in your work, prepare and execute knowing you are powerful! I always keep my Mercury dime for protection and luck, 3 shiny pennies for Papa Legba. Once they are charge I put them in a pouch and place them in my bra...wear it daily!

Is tonight a good night to light up halo/unhex/healing candle?
It’s 3:33 now where I am Papa is around and wants to probably just chat or show me something Also means trinity, chanting by 3s folding your petition 3 times 3s are powerful to see anytime ... divine alignment and order
These twinflame manifesting, postal openings.. mastery 11s been staying strongly around me
This what I see
Saw 1111 under your post @333 ...make a wish 😉
Wolf moon tonight beloved
Please explain more about the dime and pennies..l would like to try myself..thanks so much!
Haha I like that, my old apt I could’ve opened the window, and one time I heard the neighbors say “ something stinks” I was using sage that time! I laughed and said y’all the negative energy round here 😂😂😂
❣️ that’s so awesome, I’m here cleaning up my space. I usually charge mine on my window sill. I have no candles to burn tho, but I trust my thoughts and writing are good for now.