Me and mother never got along
no hugs no I love u no affectionate nothing !!! Since I could remember. There was a time I was extremely upset and needed a hug so I hugged her she just stood there and that’s the last time I tried to do that. Now I got kids she doesn’t act like a grandmother at all I mean she never was a mom I thought maybe she will be different with my kids. she is so miserable complaining all day about her life when I explain that words are spells change your words and mind watch how things will change when u speak it with positive energy but she goes to say something ignorant or dumb instead good affirmations and see how her life and love life will change and when i tell her about her actions she goes to say honor thy mother ???? Today her bday I got her edible arrangement and balloons etc i made it known it was me who got it her only daughter!!! She goes on the phone wit my cousin saying idk who got me this wow!!! It’s so much more I can go on and say abs her mind my grandma being the same way I refuse to treat abs act like to my boys and it might be bad to say but when I move and not see her fit a long time it wouldn’t bother me it’s no love or connection there never was !! This is beyond healing and forgiving now she treating my kids how she treated me and my cousins only thing is she to old to abuse them physically.
I definitely feel you on this, but know you are your own person. Her energy is not yours. Those are words I always say when I’m in the presence of toxic family members. Honey next time LaLa has the Intense Un-hex/Halo/Healing GET IT! That candle has worked wonders for me and I hope it can help you too.
I definitely know how you feel lady. My relationship with my mother is similar to yours. I decided that she can no longer control my thoughts/decision making. Mentally she was controlling my life for a long time until enough was enough. As of now, Im in control of my life! Sending healing thoughts and vibes your way🥰💚💚