Hey! Has anyone tried going on walks with pets with the travel tag? I have my baby pet that is only a few months old, I want to take her tiny self on walks in the pretty weather, but my area has so many predators like hawks that swoop rapidly and do damage in the blink of an eye. Just looking to hear about anyone’s experiences because I cannot afford to take a risk with my feather-baby. I do other protections for her of course, but I really would like to hear about other’s experiences with pets and travel tag. I’ll be getting her a Supreme Protection coin just for her when they’re back as well.
Thanks in advance!
Any more experiences? Don't you noticed your paths are like clear and completely safe?
LOL I got my tags back in Jan right before the inauguration and was so happy! Every single day since I walk my puppy with my tag in pocket. My neighborhood has predictors too and for a while I was going a few blocks away to a safer place. Now I just walk my neighborhood. Last week a pitpul got loose from his chain and the gate was open SMH! I didn't even see him till I was right infront of him. My puppy paid him no mind and when I locked eyes I didn't feel scared, run or anything. He went to run down the steps and just froze he couldn't even bark!!! God is so good I just kept on going with my Tag in tow and felt that was an example it works!!!