I purchased Unhex a while back and just received it. The Conjure customer service helped me when the package was sent back to them incorrectly. I am so happy they were kind about it! trust them!
so if you don’t know, Unhex is my favorite candle. if you were to limit me to one candle forever, it would be Unhex. Ms. Lala put her heart and soul into that candle.
either way, I was afraid to purchase it this time around because of the purge process. I thought I was gonna lose my mind or break down like I have in the past. But no.
this time, it’s a bit different.
I feel calm. a bit more honest with myself and just ready to let go of past transgressions. I thought it was gonna whip my ass like it always does. But no.. this time it feels gentle. Maybe I didnt need Unhex, maybe I needed halo?
but yeah.. it’s not breaking me down. And that’s good news. she is my favorite baby indeed 😍