Check your cupboards for these ingredients, visit your local botanica, or order online from a metaphysical store or even Amazon if you want. for protection candles;There is:-Mars (Spelled)-Cloak (spelled)-6th Pentacle of Mars (Conjure)-4th Pentacle of the moon (Conjure)-3rd of Saturn(Conjure)Other candles:Domination(spelled)1st of Saturn(conjure) And It seems we are getting a new vodou rite.Read all the descriptions and the booklet then assess what you think is best for your situation. Which added above.-Ogou
Fiery wall of protection can do it..
Check your cupboards for these ingredients, visit your local botanica, or order online from a metaphysical store or even Amazon if you want. As for protection candles; There is: -Mars (Spelled) -Cloak (spelled) -6th Pentacle of Mars (Conjure) -4th Pentacle of the moon (Conjure) -3rd of Saturn(Conjure) Other candles: Domination(spelled) 1st of Saturn(conjure) And It seems we are getting a new vodou rite. Read all the descriptions and the booklet then assess what you think is best for your situation. Which added above.-Ogou
Mars spelled candle is for protection. 4pom and 6pom also great for protection
For your protection or you just don’t want them there?
Do as i say conjure candle