I am starting a company for credit repair, I know lighting GF gets our score up! But imagine I do it for all my customers ufff... can’t do.. so what would be a good candle for it? In my mind came to do this Gain the impossible- all customers subscribed to my company ( name of company) have credit increase right after sending 1rs round of letters 5POM- open doors to abundance , success to ( company name) GF- bring customers from all directions I know this will have to at least every month to 2 months. I’m open to suggestions... I even thought GF oil and dress a big green candle and burn their names & DOB requesting increasing of credit score.
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Yes GF raised my credit score. Allowed me to pay debit off and receive credit card offers
Yes GF raised my credit score. Allowed me to pay debit off and receive credit card offers
I appreciate you @Goddes Hy I’m so ready!! Last night dreamed my self back up as the entrepreneur woman I was before for my previous business that is down at the moment for Covid. This is a sign to keep going with this new project
Power 3POSun Ahari GF Mars spelled + conjure The above should all be in heavy rotation for you.
You are the plug. This means your customers will come to you for your services. This means your magical will be for you and you power, intuition, favor and your customers will reap the benefits. You’ll know which letters to send on their behalf. You’ll know what methods to use I. Their behalf. You’ll have favor with the creditors. Items will be removed/ updated swiftly because of YOU. All work should be done primarily for you and your powers. If you want to engage in doing a weekly service for your clients that could work as well. You could dress a large green candle and speak the names of your clients for that week, etc. Be led. However you must understand that you are powering up YOU. YOU are the plug ✨