I have participated in the Papa Legba and Ezurlie Freda rituals that Lala did. I saw movement from both. A few days before and almost immediately after Papa’s ritual I was having dreams; like memorable ones. I found a feather in my linen closet, and pennies almost every where I went. Saw more red sport cars than ever before lol. Before Freda, I saw my target and after things got more intense.
I’ve been having really vivid and intense dreams about my target and all good and positive. However, my target has been having dreams that bring a little bit of a pause for him. Like we are in the same book, same chapter, just a different page.
I burned candles and have more to come, but can anyone give me some insight on what this could mean??
Can you pls give pointers? How do u work the petition. I scheduled papa legba for Tom.
[@Lioness] We all are equipped with a spiritual protection team. It could possibly mean his spirits are trying to warn him of the work you’re doing on him, hence his reluctance.