Hello my beautiful Sistas & Brothas. I have a 4POS candle that stays lit but when the wax forms around the wick it’s almost like it’s buried, I tried pouring off and moving to the sides and At this point the candle is starting to look hollow. I snuffed it and sat it to the side. What would anyone recommend
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i did the same. my 4POS had a low flame, then about an hour in i poured some of the wax out and the flame went to a nice normal flame. then hours later the was started building up a well again, now low flames. so instead of pouring it out, i used a metal spoon and scooped little by little. i would suggest scooping a little out to get the flame going high. that should then melt the wax on the side/top and even things out. after that let it be, don't worry. someone gave me great advice and said let spirit do it's work, not to overshadow it with my negative energy.
@Lala Inuti Ahari @Ife @AudraDukes