So I booked the Wealth Rite and didn’t think twice about it! I sat in my car and booked it because I didn’t want to wait until I got home. Before I got on the expressway I opened my sunroof, turned on my Beyoncé and and was crusin…. I looked up at the sky to thank Spirit for what is, has and Is going to happen in my life! As I was about to merge onto another expressway, I looked up and saw a bald eagle and was like wtf and called my Son and told him to google to see if eagles 🦅 were around where I was because I’ve never seen one before and he said yes. I just looked up, what does it mean and this…. It’s been getting real for me! I’m about to soar babyyyyy!!! LALA I don’t even know how to thank you in advance for everything!!! When things are lining up, they line up ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥