So my flame was getting out of control and I tried to snuff it but the jar broke off with the lid exposing the wild flame, so I had no choice but to pour baking soda over it because it was too much to tame. So now my candle is ruined. It’s upsetting because I can’t reorder this particular candle and Ms.LaLa doesn’t do refunds.🥺

Next time use a pot lid and snuff it. Put water in a bowl also so it'll stay cool while it burns.
Also I suggest you to keep a metal pan close by because sometimes the flame is too high for the lid. A pan can be easily placed over the candle. Don't give up or get discouraged please. I have purchased tons of Ms. Lala's candles. I learn what works for me each time.
The glass isn’t fragile, people are allowing their candles to burn out of control. Move the herbs and glitter away from the wick snuff and relight if you must but they shouldn’t burn like a forest fire.
This is why we have to do the correct order. Mars is the next candle after Halo 😇 to protect you from the fire 🔥 that was just blazing at the house. You got to us too late, in your other post the flames was outta control, so that’s why I suggested the top and the aluminum foil. But your order of lighting the candles was wrong 😑 and maybe spirit didn’t like that. You don’t have to start all the way over but you have to continue, don’t let nothing derail you. Cuz that’s what I’m feeling. This is the order of operation. UnHex Halo Healing Mars Crossroads Then you would of been free to do any and all love work. Or any and all money work. Don’t stop your progress. Hope that helps ♥️❤️♥️🖤♍️
The floor should of made it cool 😎 but the bowl of water would of make it cooler. And sitting at the window 🪟 sill, with the window cracked open, that wouldn’t happen. Don’t give up on your candle work just yet tho. Maybe spirit didn’t like being on the floor. That don’t mean stop your craft. Keep going. It will be ok. Auntie LaLa spoils us, there will be another intense candle. Was this your first candle that you ever burned?
Did you do the Aluminum foil to put it out? ♥️❤️♥️🖤♍️
You didn’t get a cap with your candle? That’s what i use to put mine out. A couple of things you can do is before lighting take your finger and smooth the glitter away from the wick. And While you’re chanting you should have a metal spoon to put out any small fires that start in the candle because of the herbs. Use the spoon to move the herbs away from the wick. I try to sit with mine until the upper layer of wax in the candle has melted.
It says in the book to smother when herbs catch fire and never leave unattended. It's rootwork, you have to watch it.
Is your floor messed up now 🥺
The glass candles are so fragile. 🥺
What candle is this?
I had to do that yesterday. I emailed them along with an attached picture. Waiting on a response.