So as told before I lit my candles like required. I just finished rekindle. Last night my target called my “best friend” and she told me answer so I did. I’m like wassup what do you want and he’s like cm on my phone I tell him it’s me and hes asking me what am I doing, call his phone. I tell him i can’t hear him it’s too loud and that we’re watching a movie and again what do you want. He then gets upset like Monny stop talking to me like that and said I’m being weird. And hung up then I had my best friend text him like what’s the problem all she asked was what did you want and she couldn’t hear you over the music he proceeds to get soooo angry and say “yup” then “that bitch weird”. So I texted him cussing and more cause now I’m a weird bitch because I asked a question. Yea I came off harsh cause why is he calling my friend. My friend and sister over here like “maybe he wanted to see you and you came off being smart” and I’m like “if he wanted to see me he could’ve called me” but anyways why is this happening!! I lit my halo, DA, sweetening, rekindle do I need to restart or something
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He felt comfortable enough to text her “that bitch weird”. How is he comfortable enough to talk sideways about you to your friend/cousin? And she ain’t check him? She ain’t block him? How is she comfortable enough to allow it? How old are y’all? Im asking your age because I understand that youth can bring inexperience, lack of wisdom and discernment. It’s not okay for him to call her It’s not okay for her to answer It’s not okay for him to disrespect you It’s not okay for any friend/cousin to tolerate/condone/accept/turn a blind eye to disrespect It’s not okay for him to keep tabs on you You wanna know about me, then call me. If I don’t answer then I don’t want you knowing about me. Period! This shit is stanking!!
Naw my man not calling my roommate. People move differently these days. Odd flex
That’s what I was getting at!! It’s different if I wasn’t answering or didn’t get a call but he didn’t even try!!
I was upset because he didn’t even try to call me. Our last conversation I kinda came off “smart” I try not to sound rude but it sometimes still come off rude so he “ghosted” me. And now your calling if you wanted to see what we were doing you could’ve called me. His communication is a bit horrible he will call any and everyone he knows I’m around to see what’s up just cause he’s still mad so he won’t say nothing to me until he physically sees me. And I’m like okay we’re too old for that. If I apologized for how I came off you can speak to me instead of going out the way hitting other people up to get to me
I was upset because he didn’t even try to call me. Our last conversation I kinda came off “smart” I try not to sound rude but it sometimes still come off rude so he “ghosted” me. And now your calling if you wanted to see what we were doing you could’ve called me. His communication is a bit horrible he will call any and everyone he knows I’m around to see what’s up just cause he’s still mad so he won’t say nothing to me until he physically sees me. And I’m like okay we’re too old for that. If I apologized for how I came off you can speak to me instead of going out the way hitting other people up to get to me
It isn’t his first time calling her. He knows we stay together he calls her and asks where am I to see why I’m not answering. Or he’ll call her first cause he think I may not answer and ask what are we doing and she’ll tell him she’s right here and to call me
Maybe The Work Is Showing You He’s Secretly Interested In Your Friend And Spirit Showed You At The Exact Moment He Was Going To Make A Move On Her.