My oldest daughter went and had a reading done because we really needed to know what happened to my youngest daughter. She has changed so much in the last 10 plus yrs. she laughs and talks to herself, has been trying to literally kill me, started making fake accounts like she is a dude Etc. She takes pics like a dude and sometimes acts like one. No she is not Gay. She is a sweet girl but goes in and out Of acting out. I have been trying to find the truth for a long tim. This reader told my daughter that it’s her brother that’s doing this to your sister. She said your mom had a miscarriages or got rid of a child and it was a Son. he is angry with your mom because she didn’t choose him. He has attached himself to your baby sister and possessed her body That’s why she acts out and is trying to kill your mom he is angry. My daughter is 28 yrs old I never told her or anyone else about this. Yes I did get rid of a baby 👶 when I was very young 19 or 20 yrs old right after her. Then I got preg again with my 2nd and 3rd daughters and gave birth to them. I wanted a son so bad when I was pregnant with my 3rd daughter.. I called the baby Tyler in the womb, bought all boy clothes when I was pregnant. I didn’t let the Dr tell me what I was having during the entire pregnancy. This child and my middle daughter has been suffering since they have been here Both are in kidney failur. both have Lupus etc. My oldest 28 yr old is fine no problems. It’s all starting to make sense. I have been in tears 😭 all day. The lady told my daughter there’s nothing that I can do Said he is very close to my oldest daughter but He has possessed your lil sister and is living in her body and angry with your mom and is going to make her life hell. This is very personal how do I help him crossover and let my 23 yr old live her life? I am so sorry 😢 for what I did to my child.
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I think you need to forgive yourself for this decision that you made. I don't know if I see the purpose of telling your daughters or anyone else about what is in the past especially with the current state of your daughter.
I don't know what work you have done on your daughter but spiritual work is not one and done. You probably need to continuously burn candles. You may need more than one Unhex candle. I've read of someone on this forum burning 3 or more to get desired results.
What you are experiencing seems complicated. Like not as simple as honoring your son.
@Ife thank you I appreciate it.
I would say don’t beat yourself up over an abortion. I speak with people who have experienced abortions. You made the best decision based on the information you had at the time. Be gentle and nurturing to yourself. You are experiencing some of the stages of grief now, that you may have avoided earlier. As suggested by @TD, It would be very helpful to honor Tyler in some way. It seems that there is another spirit feeding off of your youngest daughter though. Certainly do Unhex and Healing for all of you. Much love and healing to you.
@MoonMagikk that last comment was for you. I don’t understand how did this lady know that. I never told a single person about what I had done by getting rid of this baby I was young and made a stupid decision.
OMG sis, this isnt your SON spirits! He is tooo young to have understood what is going on! SOMETHING must likely a poltergeist has attached itself to your daughter. Because it is feeding off of your guilt and shame from what happened! Be careful about setting up an atlar for someone that is NOT really your son beloved! He was too young to have known💡what you NEED is do a banishing spell for your daughter💡seek out papa legba to open doors to for strong protection work AND you and your daughter needs UNHEX HALO and HEALING Do these more than just once! Its a spiritual attack and i feel there is more to this story, please reply {i say with love}🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s time to come clean to your daughters! Set up an Altar to your Baby and talk to him, Honor him and apologize and explain to him what was going on in your life at the time! Do this while burning Healing! Help him to understand why you did that and let him know you love him too!
I would begin with Unhex & healing for both of you. Also order from Soul Purge.