Soooo y’all know I’ve been getting advice and telling y’all the signs I’ve been getting so far. I’m making my 1st purchase Friday!!!!!! I already told y’all I’ve been see 111, 1111 a lot lately and now the triple 2’s keep popping up on top of this not too long ago I walked into the bathroom and saw a ladybug just wondering around and randomly looked the time and it was 12:22 the only thing I’ve been doing since coming across Miss LaLa’s page and reading you all’s reviews and advice is manifesting stuff in my head and staying positive other than fussing at my 4 year old, yelling at traffic and my dogs I’ve been positive lol so what do y’all think this stuff means???
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When I began, I started seeing the numbers, seeing feathers (especially angel feathers), finding quarters all over the place, ladybugs in my car, ladybugs AND butterflies landing on me. My body would vibrate which let me know my vibrations are raising. Ppl being more nicer to me. My ears ringing. I sat by the water everyday and danced. I hugged a tree. I stood in the grass bare footed (something I dont really like to do). Consciously breathing prana Yama. All of these signs and more is spiritually awakening. Pay attention to Jan 24th, the 1st new moon of the month. PLANT YOUR SEEDS!!
Certainly look up ladybug spirit animal. EVERYTHING is a sign. There are zero coincidences in life!
I’m going to start writing the very thoughts down though
Pay attention to the signs and what you was thinking about at that moment to you see those number
I could be wrong but I honestly think it's the Universe's way of letting you know that you're on the right track.