I have searched and read just about everything on this forum. However, I have not seen a clear answer for the specific question I have.
Is it okay for me to burn candles and conduct rootwork for others while doing the same for myself? Can I burn LaLa’s candles for someone one day and (while waiting 3 days) burn a candle for me the very next day? I also understand that I’ll be using different energies and intentions.
Thank you in advance!!!
Aham Prema💕
she starts to talk about the 3 day wait at 46:00 go to this live
@Kween Mera I did too and I absolutely agree. Check out Lala's lives on Instagram I'm sure she mentioned it on there not sure which video
This comes up a lot. In my humble opinion (I've also seen on this forum lost the post) When using Lala's candles it's best to wait 3 days regardless of who the candle is burning for. Because you are using your energy for the workings. I also do my own work outside of Lala's candles with matching intentions. I'm sure others may chime in hope this helps 🙏🏾