Hey beautiful people! I received my first order today, and instantly felt different in a good way. However, when I opened the package, I was sent Obsession instead of the Sweetening I ordered. What is the process to receive the right candle? Or, perhaps this was the Universe hinting that this was supposed to happen lol?
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I would use obsession for myself. Sometimes we forget that we have to do our part as well. I.e obsess with eating healthy, thinking positive, working out. Yes the candles are spelled but there is room to chant with your own intentions... or your target is obsess with being sweet to you.
Maybe yall could trade if yall felt comfortable enough to one has a candle don't need and maybe the other one has one the other needs. Mrs. Lala has alot of orders and it might be awhile
I would keep what we wrong item was sent and still send an email just so she knows. I think it definitely is the universe telling you this is what you need!!
you could probably use obsession as the person sweetening you or obsess over positive things to yourself the universe left you something special
Send lala an email at orders@the conjure.com and she will correct it quickly!!!