Hi! I just got my zodiac candles and I didn’t see a book or instructions to come along with the candle. I really need help with the invocation of the Zodiac Candles.
I, Ariel Goodness, in the name of ?? (which God do I use or do I use them all? They are all on the seal so I’m assuming all) invoke (insert Angel name or do I say all angels of the zodiac of Gemini?) come before me now I have your seal in the name of (which god do I use?)
Can someone one offer clarification? Maybe I’m overthinking but I would truly prefer not to get it wrong.
Thank you all in advance for the help.
So do we just say "I call on *angel's name*" when invoking then continue on with what we desire? @Ife- Grow, Learn, Evolve
I think all Us Gemini ♊️ over think these things Frieind. Best wishes
Tune in to their live they are having on Tuesday 6pm est. Maybe they will address questions regarding candles.
Yes can someone clarify this and also on the blood rite candles do we chant or we conjure @Ife- Grow, Learn, Evolve @Lala Inuti Ahari
@Ife- Grow, Learn, Evolve @theconjurehoodoo if you can’t pronounce the names do you just invoke all angels for the seal on the candle?
I was looking at that also ...all the names of Gods listed on seal. I was going to call on the Angel's name for my zodiac or whatever zodiac candle I was using. And then Say all the God's names listed on seal. Idk. Hopefully someone clarifies.
@theconjurehoodoo can you give us more in detail on how to use the new angel zodiac candles ? Please 🥺
From my understanding just call upon the Angel, and not the God. You don’t use the seals of God. But Auntie hasn’t commented yet.