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Door Tag | Protection of The Home

Door Tag | Protection of The Home


I played no games with these tags! In spite of recent events I felt the push to create a layer of protection that I have never created before becauser I didn't know we needed it. This is a powerful, protective talisman made from 100% pure copper and specially designed to keep your house at peace. Keeping away opressors, attackers, the unjust, and any form of harm, evil, danger, poverty, plague or disaster to the home.  This Tag places a army of high level spirits around your home, protecting you, your family the home, pets, and the financial peace of the home while in the home.  Not only does each tag come with EXTREMELY FIERCE PROTECTIVE SPIRITS attached, it also comes with my newly created seal engraved on it, that will also shield you from harm and enemies.  Place it in your home close by or hanging on your door knob. With unpredictable times, this tag is NEEDED BY EVERYONE. 


These tags are meant to be a part of my Lifetime Alchemy, so it will stand the test of time to be passed down through generation. 



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    By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. Refunds or exchanges are not permitted

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