Lifetime Alchemy | Clair
Lifetime Alchemy that can be passed down. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their psychic abilities. Specifically designed to improve your abilities (because we all have it, some just need to strengthen it), giving you a heightened sense of perception. Wear this during divination, or meditation to tap into your highest psychic potential. It Covers ALL FOUR metaphysical abilities.
Clairvoyance (clear seeing): This is the ability to see images, symbols, visions, or scenes that are not physically present. It can involve seeing auras, spirits, or events in the past or future.
Clairaudience (clear hearing): This is the ability to hear sounds or voices that are not physically audible. It might involve hearing messages from spirit guides, angels, or deceased loved ones.
Clairsentience (clear feeling): This is the ability to perceive information through feelings or physical sensations. It can involve sensing the emotions of others, feeling the energy of a place, or having a "gut feeling" about something.
Claircognizance (clear knowing): This is the ability to have a deep inner knowing or intuitive understanding without any logical explanation. It's a sudden "download" of information or knowledge that simply appears in your mind.
- No need for any additional rituals or activations.
- Just wear it and let spirit work its magic.
- Can be passed down thru generations, and given as gifts!
- The spell stays with the bracelet. It is a vessel, so it needs to be taken care of as such.
- All copper will tarnish, this is normal. It can be cleaned with Lemon, salt, Vinegar, or baking soda. Use 0000 steel wool to clean tarnish if used lightly.
By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. Refunds or exchanges are not permitted